
Sea of Shoes

This girl amazes me. She's 17, has incredible shoe collection and has one of the most popular fashion blogs (Sea of Shoes) around.

I've followed her for a while but had no idea she was this well known.

Umm I'd just like to point out that I would DIE if someone even posted a picture of me when I was 17.


rh said...

I know -- I had no idea she was so well known either. Until ADAM actually was asking me if I had ever read her blog. She apparently posts on this japanese denim/fashion forum he reads Hahaha.

But no seriously, I want to know how she pays for all those shoes (and amazing clothes). For reals.

If she's getting them for free as advertising I might just die.

Unknown said...

Your boyfriend reads Japanese fashion blogs AND is in med school?? Umm that's awesome.

Yeah, I'd like to know how she pays for them too. Her mom has a boutique so maybe she gets them from her or something? All I know is that she is one lucky biatch.


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